Zodiac SR interconnects are made of 24 AWG monocrystalline copper conductors. This type of conductor, obtained using the latest, expensive technology, provides a homogeneous environment free of any barriers to electron flow, which in turn translates into smoothness and purity of the signal throughout the entire band. In the latest generation of Zodiac SR interconnects, we have replaced the previous high grade insulator - Teflon using an even less lossy solution taken from our higher series. Now the insulator is air. Thanks to the use of top-class materials and construction, a cable with almost excessive possibilities in this price segment was created. Even in combination with very demanding electronics, it can give amazing results. Dynamics, openness, the smallest nuances hidden in recordings, true timbres of instruments and a lot of air around them - Zodiac SR provides all this.
Conductors: high purity monocrystal copper, cryogenically treated
Gauge: 24 AWG
Dielectric: air, Teflon PTFE, kapton
Termination unbalanced: RCA connectors
Termination balanced: XLR connectors
Standard length: 1 M, 1.5 M
First of all it is particularly refined sound. This quality is sometimes achieved when designers try to offer highest possible fidelity, but it works for truly high end products that are highly detailed and yet very rich. Zodiac interconnect offer that at much lower price.High Fidelity
The Zodiac is extremely neutral in midrange, but also in the ranges adjacent to it.In my opinion, the timbre of the sound is in no way manipulated or mannered.In terms of tonal balance and color in the midrange, this connector proved to be the best in the group.The Zodiac creates a wonderful stereo panorama. The stage is wide, willingly enveloping and overlapping the sides.However, the most important thing is depth - the best in the group.[from the group test of balanced XLR interconnects: Tara Labs, Cardas, Nordost, Wireworld, Purist Audio Design] Audio Video
It is a very interesting case – sure it was not quite the same level of performance as delivered by Siltech Triple Crown, or Tellurium Q Silver Diamond, but the way it shaped the sound reminded me of the former. High Fidelity
KBL Sound represents a little bit different philosophy and goes another direction with their approach. Here it is the natural feeling of music which is the most cherished value and the voicing is made the way to help the listener getting the best possible results. I am convinced, although to achieve that goal and fully enjoy what Zodiacs have to offer one need to have his system put together in the right balance first. This is very genuine interconnect for well seasoned aficionados.StereoLife
Above-average musical and sophisticated. Superb stereophony with impressive depth and size of individual virtual sources. Tonally balanced. [...] The Zodiac introduces peace, culture and overall harmony to the system. The dynamics is effortless, that is to say that the cable does not impose its own sound character and provides for the free flow of signals between the player and amplifier. Rarely have I experienced that aesthetics of sound, and if it has been the case, exclusively in the case of producers such as Siltech or Harmonix. [...] The Zodiac creates black background where only the amplifier and columns outline the final musical image. In music there appears delicate sweetness, subtle smoothness, and that's all topped with nearly perfect plasticity and rich palette of colours. The Zodiac offers another advantage, namely it superbly creates the space - the virtual sources are plotted with holographic precision.Audio Video